Peppermint Meringues

Hey sweet friend!

I hope you are having a lovely New Year despite the state our country is in. Honestly I can’t believe it’s January. Quickest year of my life, I’m sure many can relate!

That is so sweet of you guys to deliver and bake so many pies. Oh my word, how cute are you! I wish I lived closer to benefit from that 😉 Our thanksgiving was good considering all. My sister makes salmon along with turkey which I am super grateful for and it’s always delicious.

I feel like we can’t plan much these days. I had a camping trip planned for December and it got canceled because of our third shut down. At least there is hiking and surfing! Kyle and I took the trailer to the beach and “camped” there for a whole day last week to work on our “rule of life.” It was so relaxing. If you haven’t heard of it I highly recommend it. It’s an ancient practice in how to approach/organize your life. It was really overwhelming at first because it comes off as structure but it actually allows you more freedom because you’re focusing more on your values.

I started 2nd quarter of grad school last week! It’s going well.

I had a really bad flare up two weeks ago so I’m I’m finally going to an Endo specialist in a couple of weeks. Remember my last semester of college, waking up in the middle of the night to abdomen pain? We both thought I was dying. Well that journey has never fully come to a close.

Tell your crew I say hello!

Love you,



I chose the peppermint meringues because they are so magical looking to me and I’ve been curious as to how they are made. They are actually super easy! They weren’t as sweet as I would have liked so the second batch I put peppermint in it instead of just on top but then the whole thing kind of lost it’s pretty form. They were a great addition to Thanksgiving because after be totally full from dinner, they are like eating minty air.

Also, your cupcakes made my mouth water. WOW, they look like they go down easy!


Ok, I know it’s not strawberry season but if you can find some do this recipe. I made it for Delaney’s birthday and I was delicious. I don’t even like strawberry shortcake but loved this.

If you don’t have strawberries this also looks tasty! Dulce de Leche Apple Pie by Joanna Gaines.


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