Chewy Pumpkin Cookies with Brown Butter & Maple

Hey friend!

Girl, as usual no worries at all. I am just stoked to continue this fun pen pal friendship. But it has been WAY to long since I’ve seen you in person.

Congrats on buying a home! I know moving is chaotic and stressful. I hope you’re also taking some nice deep breathes to keep you going.

It’s been the hardest year of my life so I’m not sure how or what to update you with, haha. 2021 will be a painful blur probably forever. My two biggest dreads erupted at the same time, not so gracefully earlier this year. I am still and will always be picking up the pieces from them. I have a hard time wrapping my own mind around my life right now. Maybe a timeline would be fun?

  1. February my Dad got sick (the short version) and information about my grandmas longterm tenant started to unfold in the direction of financial elder abuse.

2. March my Dad died, I had finals in grad school, I ended up in the hospital for one of the worst ovarian cyst bursts I’ve ever had, I tour a handful of elderly homes in preparation to move my grandma, I start a legal case again the elder abuse “abuser.”

3. April I moved my grandma who has Parkinson’s and dementia to and elderly home 1 hour away from her home, she wasn’t happy about that. I get harassed by two people via text multiple times regarding the grandma drama which made me question if I should get a restring order.

4. May-September, I turn 31 and wanted to ignore it. The legal battle continues, we go to court, we go to court again. We go through my dad’s house clearing out closets and cupboards. We host a garage sale at my dads. I go through my grandma’s house clearing out closets and cupboards. We keep our business afloat. I have surgery. I start treatment for IC. I avoid group gatherings. I go to therapy. My little brother visited which was a HUGE highlight. I went to Utah with my sister and niece.

5. October, we get my dad’s dogs (no yard+our two cats), I start going to grad school again, legal battle continues on top of a new one regarding grandma stuff.

6. November, we get COVID, legal battle continues, another yard sale at my dads, move every single thing out of Dad’s in preparation for new tenants.

I hope that wasn’t overwhelming! Anyway just thought I’d fill you in. I love you and miss you tons!




These were chewy and delicious like the tittle says but they turned out SO flat. After all the work of browning the butter, was so bummed. But we ate them like pazookie’s. We heated them up and then put some dairy free ice cream on top, and they were good. I think I needed to let the browned butter cool alot more.


These recipes are on my Pinterest board to make. They look so yummy!

Blackberry and Sage Thumbprint Cookies

Chai Spice Carrot Loaf Cake

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